Saturday, February 11, 2006

Saturday's Update

Man, do I ever love the Olympics. The Canadian women's hockey team is currently just destroying the Italians (they just scored their fifth goal--Italy: none). Who knew Italy had a women's hockey team, anyway? Add to that the gold medal we just won this morning in women's moguls, and it's been a good day to be a Canadian. And may I add that the women are just taking the men to school. These hockey announcers stink, though. It almost makes me want to listen to Bob Cole and Harry Neale. Almost.

Oh right, this blog's about Theo. On with it then.

Steph went to the hospital this morning to check out his 9:30 feeding. His jaundice seems to have abated significantly, and he's much more alert today than he has been all week. In fact, the nurse called us from the hospital before last night's feeding to tell us that he had woken up to look for food just before his scheduled feeding. Nice work, little guy. Same thing again this morning: when Steph went in, he was already awake and searching for some food. He took probably half his bottle in about 5 minutes, but then got pretty tired. We were resigned to having to tube him the last bit, but after about 10 minutes of cuddle time (so super-cute) he took the rest. It was a new record for him.

*Side note* Olympics again. Anyone else watching this game? Canada is just absolutely dominating the Italians, and yet whenever the Italians even touch the puck and make a pass the crowd goes nuts. The Canucks would kill for a crowd like this. *End of side note*

So after all that stuff with Theo happened (sorry for the whiplash topic changes--must be my Dutch genes coming through), the pediatrician came in for his daily rounds. Steph talked to him for a bit and found out that not only has he been consistently gaining weight (Theo, not the pediatrician), the alertness level is a great sign. Today we're going to switch to having two bottles followed by one tube feeding. Then tomorrow, we're going to switch to on-demand feeding.

The story there is that he has never actually woken up and cried for his food. So tomorrow, Steph's going to basically live at the hospital. She'll wait for Theo to ask for food and then give a shot at breast feeding him. Essentially it's a warm-up for what's going to happen at home when he eventually gets here. If he manages to wake up, feed well, and continue to gain weight, he could be coming home on Tuesday or maybe even Monday! Wouldn't that be great?!

So that's all that's happening today. We're both going to head over there for his 1:00 feeding this afternoon. Should be great fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have Winter game envy here. One in sixty Aussies might know where the Olympic games are held. I have to wait until 8:30 pm tonight to start to see any coverage - and lets face it, I can't contrive any reason to watch taped coverage of Aussies loosing in moguls when I can see friends and have a nice dinner in Darling Harbour. Never to worry, when we get back, I'm getting my full load of Olympics and hockey and I know just who to call to get my update!
Theo, obviously, since my blogging should be about him.
I don't think I've forgotten to congradulate - but here it goes again, CONGRATS! So anyhow, go Canada, go Theo, go isolationists who don't want anyonw to come around till the next ice age :) Nice try on that, Uncy Chris will give you some space - but be ultimately rude and disruptive as per usual!