Thursday, February 16, 2006

The post-euphoric letdown

I'm getting this feeling right now like the one I got after I went to see the last Star Wars movie. How did you know I'd slip a Star Wars reference in here? Or maybe the bigger question is why it took me so long.

Anyway, what I mean is that it sort of feels like now that Theo's home the suspense is over. Not only do we know how Darth Vader became Darth Vader, but we also know that he's Luke's father, and that the whole series of six movies is really about him. Oh wait, that's Star Wars again. Sorry. I'm getting this whole "I've been waiting for this so long and now that it's here and gone I don't know what to do with myself" kind of feeling. Maybe it's just because the initial feeling of euphoria got doused like a campfire by the blinding waters of fatigue and reality (I can only come up with stuff like that when I'm tired), but there's a real sense of "What happens next?" going on in my brain right now. And man, is that ever weird.

To quote an old cliche, today is the first day of the rest of our lives with our little man. And so we press on through midnight feedings and diaper changes knowing that like in a marriage, you can't be a parent long-term subsisting on euphoria and emotional highs alone. Now the real work begins, and it's a different kind of fun (the kind that makes you ask, "Why did I think this was fun again?" in the middle of a stinky diaper change).

For those of you who've been reading this blog to see when Theo comes home, I hope you don't think this is the end of the line. I'm not letting you off the hook that easily. In fact, now that we're home it's going to be easier to post here, so please keep checking back regularly for updates (more photos later today, by the way). I'll keep posting as long as you all keep reading.

But there's more to it than that, I suppose. We don't want you to just read the blog and comment on how adorable Theo is (although, hey, we're not complaining if you do). What we need from each of you as we embark on this journey is support, encouragement, lots and lots of prayer, and maybe the occasional free diaper change. We know you're here for us, and we sincerely appreciate it.

So thanks a lot for being here and coming along for the ride. I'm so excited about this journey, and I hope that you all can share in some of that excitement with me.

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