Friday, February 10, 2006

Maybe I spoke too soon...

Here's today's update for Friday, February something-or-other. I can't believe that five days have passed since our precious little Theo was born. It seems like this whole week has been just a haze of hospital visits. You know, I hear that you lose a lot of sleep when you have a newborn at home, but at this point I'm looking forward to it, because at least I'll be not sleeping well with him here as opposed to not sleeping well with him at the hospital. It's almost a Jeremy Bentham-esque utilitarian equation: all other things being equal, you must choose the pleasure greatest intensity.

Notice how in that one paragraph I not only expressed my opinion, but also added an allusion to a philosopher just to show how smart I am. Wow. I know, you're all in awe.

So pick yourselves up off the floor and read on, if you dare stand my wit. Um, okay. Yesterday's streak of three straight bottle feedings ended abruptly in the afternoon when he was just too tired to take the 4:00 feeding pretty much at all. So we're back to tube feeding again. Ah, but now we have a plan.

"A plan?" you ask. Yes, a plan! (*cue appropriate "I have a plan" music score*). I went in this morning to drop off some breast milk for him (isn't that just more than you needed to know about Steph? One thing about having a baby--you have no dignity or inhibitions left at the end of the thing) and I fed him his 9:30 feeding, which he took entirely by bottle! Yay, Theo! So anyway, in talking to the nurses we've decided that we're going to start alternating him--one complete bottle feed, one complete tube feed. As much as we may personally want him to take all his bottle feeds, there is a danger there that we will end up actually setting him back if we push too hard, which I think we've been doing. In our heart of hearts (what does that expression mean, anyway?) we just want him to come home, but herein lies the first dilemma of parenting: do we push him because we want him to come home so badly, or do we just accept the fact that it's going to take some time? The choice is an obvious, but not easy, one. As Dr. House said on this week's episode, "The choice isn't easy, but it is simple."

Wow, in one post I've not only alluded to a philosopher, but also made a pop culture reference. There's something on this blog for everyone, really.

Anyway, that's what's happening today. I'm going to post a medical update on Steph in a bit, and I'll also have what the fans really want--pictures. But I have to warn you, these pictures are even cuter than the last ones, so make sure you take adequate precautionary measures before viewing them. Talk to you all soon.

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