Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Hanging out with daddy

Like I mentioned before, we quite often have some tummy time with our little guy at various points throughout the day. These times are by far my favourite, especially when he's so alert and trying to take in everything that's all around him. Imagine being an infant and seeing everything in the world for the very first time. How fascinating. Anyway, here's what tummy time looks like when Theo's awake. This one's an action shot; notice, if you will, how he is in the process of bringing his head back down onto my chest while simultaneously trying to crawl upwards:

And here is quite possibly the funniest shot we've ever taken of him. I'll let you take a look at it first, and then I'll make a comment:

Now, before you all start to think of tactful ways to tell us that we got a child whose head is on backwards (I can only imagine the opening line of that email: "Dear Mark and Stephanie, we loved the photos of your son, however, we couldn't help but notice that he is anatomically challenged in the head area."), please note that he is tummy-down on my chest. Even so, it looks like a Mr. Potato Head gone horribly wrong.

Finally, a bit of a blurry one, but a gooder nonetheless. This is me laying back on the couch and propping him up against my knees.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr. Potato Head should be so lucky to have a nice head Theo! Auntie Bern has this weird fetish about the look of a babies head. Theo has a gorgeous one. Some babies have heads that are shaped like an eggplant little man. You are a robust looking little gentleman for someone that was premature. Zach was 6lbs 6ozs. He was very tiny and looked like he needed a little more time in the oven, that's why he had to brown up a bit in the incubator. He was totally lost in the regular car seat. We had to rent another one front the Health unit. Anyways you are quite the looker and definitly a keeper.