The reasons for our move are many, all of which can be summed up in one: distance education just wasn't cutting it. I've come to realize how important getting this degree is to me and my future plans, and this is the best way to finish it right now. I'll explain more of that some other time.
Now, you may be wondering when we hatched this crazy plan and why it's taken us so long to reveal it. Well, the reason is that we only came up with it two weeks ago. That's right, the entire thing from conception to birth took a grand total of two weeks to put together. It's been a whirlwind, and it'll continue until the day we leave. I got approval for my academic plans last week, and we just got confirmation today that we'll have a place to live. It's been exhausting.
I can also say that this whole thing could only be possible if it was God's ordaining for it to happen. There are so many "coincidences" that have had to fall into place in order for this thing to work (I'll explain more of them some other time as well) that there's no other explaination than God's providence. For the first time in a long time, we feel like we're back on track with where God is leading us, after fighting against it for some time. Now that we're on board, it's feeling pretty good. We have no fears about going, because we know that God is with us.
*Jarring transition* What does this mean for the blog? Well, I'm not sure yet. We may choose to forego internet access in the house and use the school computers instead, which means that uploading phots will probably be a no-go. But don't quote me on that--I'll do my best to keep you, the blog-consuming public, in the loop. What I can say is that I'm going to be starting another blog dedicated to our exploits in Three Hills, while still maintaining this blog for strictly Theo-related purposes. As soon as I think of a catchy name, I'm going to register it and I'll let you know where it is. If you care. It won't personally offend me if you don't. Okay, maybe it will just a little. But not much.
Now that I've consumed so much space talking about us, let's have a little Theo update, shall we? Everything here is going smoothly, to whatever extent raising an infant can be described as "smooth." Theo's a really character now; he's sitting up on his own (and falling over when he decides to reach for his toes, which are still his favourite plaything) and babbling a whole lot. He's eating a wide variety of solid foods (grains, veggies, and fruits), his favourite of which by far is the banana. He's also going through a massive teething process which seems to have reached its zenith (oh man, any time I can use that word, I'm happy) in the past week or so. Oh, how we love the Tylenol at this house. And don't get me started on the drool. Oy vey. But hey, when he's happy, he's one funny guy. He likes to play and interact with us, which is really cool; he has his favourite games (one of which involves being chased by the "Daddy-monster") and he laughs when we play them. Fun times are being had by all. Except when he won't sleep. That seems to be his biggest challenge right now, but we'll get over it. All-in-all, we're happy as clams.
How about some photographic evidence? You betcha. I've got some good ones here, most of which fit in the "comedy" section. For example:
This expression was particularly difficult to capture, even though he uses it qute a bit. We call it "turtle face"...
Still no comments?! Gah! Even after such a major announcement?! Okay, I know, someone needed to break the ice; it's probably an etiquette violation to post a comment on your own blog, but hey, at least it means that your comment doesn't have to be first!
What can I say...I didn't want you to feel nobody read the blog...Theo is the cutest baby in the least to us. I sure hope you can keep the blog up at Prairie because it will make me feel better about you guys being away! Gramps and I are excited for you but sad for us, which let's face it is rather selfish! Theo won't probably remember the whole affair but will now become the cutest baby in Alberta (sorry about that Scott and Nancy!)
Love Grammie
Wow, what a big announcement! Steph, I've been meaning to email you for months, but well, life is so busy with our little 9 month old! (by the way he doesn't sleep much either!). Congratulations on your exciting decision to move to AB- the best province in the world (no bias from this ex-Edmontonian!). I'm sure it will be a wonderful decision for your family.
I've sure enjoyed the blog, Mark- so funny! And so great to keep up with Theo news- he's adorable!
I'll email you soon Steph- promise! :)
Jennifer (FOTF)
Hi guys - that's great news! We'll definitely miss you here Steph. Please keep up with the blog if you can! I've enjoyed your writing Mark, and of course Theo is one adorable little man! Take care you guys. Love, Sharon.
That is a quick decision. Darryl & I were just talking about you the other day. We said we wanted to sneak in one day to listen when you were leading singing at your church. I guess we won't be doing that now. Best wishes as you pack up & move with a little one.
alright, now we know all about Three Hills......Is there more??? To all three of you, GOOD LUCK, and ALL THE BEST. For us it also means, someone dear to vist....but please keep up sending the cutest photos ever of little Theo. They will get better and better, remember, "we have been there". We'll look after "grandma Alice" (I still think that's funny). So, Mark, FOCUS!!! Steph, CONCENTRATE. Theo, BE A BABY!!! And above all, you three, RELAX. We love you.
auntie Barb, JP, Remie and Alena
(yes, they did tell me to include them in my note)....
Auntie Barb
You can call the new blog "Little Mouth on the Prairie" Or "Big Mouth..."
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