Monday, August 28, 2006

Bath Time!

I was going to fold these shots into my next posting, but I can't decide which ones to cut, so you get all of them in a posting all to themselves! Hooray!

Here's just a small disclaimer: I realize that every parent has an arsenal of embarrasing bath shots, which they take with the express intention of showing at their child's wedding. Seriously, why else do you take photos of your kid in the bath? You don't go around showing them off to people, do you? "Hey, do you want to check out a picture of my kid in the bath? Look, he's naked!" I don't think so. Because I've been through the scarring incident of having an embarrasing bath shot shown at my wedding (thanks a lot, mom and dad--you'll get my therapy bill soon), I have vowed not to take any embarrasing bath shots of Theo. So there. That said, I can still take pictures of him in the bath because hey, he is cute, after all. Enjoy them.

This is what we call a "Classic Theo" look--such an interesting facial expression. You know he's got something to say, and if he could only find the words, he'd really tell you...

I love this one. Looks like he just wants to come out of that bath and give you a big hug...

"Daddy, why are you making such funny faces?"

What a ham; he's totally mugging for the camera. "Oh yes, I'm so cute"

More looking up at silly daddy...

"I'm glad that's finally over with, because I'm totally pooped..."

But of course, I've saved the very best photo for last, even though it doesn't really fit in my storyboard. Oh well, I figure you should be rewarded for your patience.

"Bath time is fun!!"

That's all for this evening, I think. I had grand plans to do another posting tonight, but you know what? I'm just far too tired for that. But don't worry, in tomorrow's installment, a thrilling update on packing for our upcoming move and other various fun-filled adventures, as well as lots of photos. It'll be a thrill a minute. I'm really into that word ("thrill") tonight for some reason. I'm really a one-trick-pony though, so when I find an adjective, I stick with it. So be sure to tune in next time--as they say at the monster truck rally: "We'll sell you the whole seat, but you'll only need the edge!" Get it? You'll only need the edge? Okay, it's definitely past my bedtime.

See you soon.

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