Thursday, August 31, 2006

One for the Road...

Well, here we are with one day left before we go on our big adventure. As I type this, I'm on hold with my cell phone provider trying to get last minute details sorted out. You know, it's not the packing and stuff that's the challenge, it's all the details. Details like working out cell phone service, getting an oil change, going to the dump, paying speeding tickets (oops) and generally getting things sorted out. This move has been really good for us, actually, because it's forced us to clean out our house. It's amazing what you accumulate in a short amount of time. For example, two days ago I took 113 kg of garbage to the dump. Wow.

In the midst of all this packing and sorting and stuff, I wanted to do one final posting before we leave because you never really know when you'll get another one (definitely not next week, at least). I have to say that it's been quite the exciting week for Theo as well. He seems to be progessing by leaps and bounds every day. He's got even more of a personality now, which is really quite strong actually (but what did you expect from our kid?), and he's not afraid to tell you when he doesn't like something. But he's also really good-natured, and we can take him places with some toys and not worry about him throwing a big temper-tantrum. It's pretty nice. And he loves to play, which is really cool as well.

So on with the photo gallery. There are plenty here today, so grab a cup of coffee and relax.

I wanted to start this posting off with something completely un-Theo. We ran across this spectacular piece of Engrish on some packaging the other day...

I gave up dirt 100% quite some time ago, actually. I've never felt better.

Here's what I don't understand about this--if it's for a clean kitchen, shouldn't the scope be limited to, well, kitchens? Apparently not...

It's good to keep the brushing and cleaning in the family, after all. And by the way, if you operate any business other than a hotel or restauaut, you're stuck apparently. I'm sure they make other sponges for use in, say, retail stores. One more thing: at least they made the effort to spell "restaurant"; I have to admit, that one gets me every time. Where do they get these things?

Ah, that explains it.

On to the Theo photos. I said before that he likes to stand now--it's one of his favourite things to do. Here's some photographic evidence...

In addition to standing, he's learned how to sit up as well (this one he can do without help, although when this picture was taken, he still needed a guiding hand)...

Ah yes, another random bath shot...

My dad's been away on business for a good chunk of time, and he came home last week to be greeted at the airport by a sign-bearing baby...

He made that sign all by himself. Really.

If there's anything better than one cute baby, it's two! This is Theo's friend Parker (son of our good friends Carl and Amanda...Theo's not the only baby with his own website)

He's so cute when he's asleep...

And even though he's eating solid food, I'm not sure that he's at the stage of being able to feed himself just yet...

The worst part is that this stuff just dries on his face like wallpaper glue. And, of course, he hates having his face wiped. Especially when you have to use a scouring pad and some Comet to get the dried food off. Just send me the therapy bills, kid...

Finally, unable to stand the constant pressure of having a camera in his face, he snapped...

This picture was taken just before he turned on me; I no longer have an ear on the left side of my face.

Okay, here's the real back-story behind this one: he was mid-yawn when we took the picture. That's it. Oh, the truth is just so much more boring than the story you could make up if you just looked at the picture! But that's what you get for trying to take pictures when it's bedtime. Personally, I think this is the funniest one yet.

But on a more serious, okay, cuter, note, here's another one (wow, look at all the commas in that sentence--it's a comma party)...

And as usual, I've saved the best for last...

That's it for tonight, everyone. The next time you hear from me, I'll be in Three Hills, Alberta, hopefully kicking some serious butt at college. Like I said before, the plan is to start a second blog for our Three Hills adventures (or misadventures, as the case may be) and keep this blog for strictly Theo-related postings. I still haven't come up with a clever name for the second blog, although Aunt Bern's suggestion is right up there on the list (her suggestion: Little Mouth on the Prairie...or perhaps Big Mouth, although I wouldn't know what she's referring to by that). Anyway, any other suggestions are welcome; I should have it up and running by the end of next week or the beginning of the week after that, depending on our internet access situation.

See you all again soon.

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