Tuesday, September 05, 2006

We Made It!

Hi from Three Hills, everyone. After an exhausting two days of travelling, we made it safe and sound and have set up shop in our new home. Things here are hot and dusty, but what did I expect from the Prairies, anyway?

Alas, I'm on a campus computer today, and so this posting will be short and to-the-point. By the way, any thoughts of posting photos to the web using these computers went out the window today--these machines are ugly. Butt ugly. But fear not, oh faithful blog readers, as we will be getting internet access at home, but it won't come online until next week. So until then, go on a tour of the Theo archives, perhaps, or just sit at your computer and wait expectantly for the next posting, which should come around the middle of next week. We have some really cool pictures for you!

By the way, my Three Hills blog will also come online next week. I'll link to it off on the right hand side, or you can click my blogger identity to see where it is. It's not up now, mind you, but it will be soon. We also have some great pictures of Three Hills to post; I'll say this much--it's no southern BC. You'll see what I mean next week.

Until then, keep it real, my posse (a term from the wild west seemed appropriate for some reason). See you again soon.


Jane said...

Thanks for letting us know you got there. Max and Jon were hoping to connect with you (Whopper Wednesday?) before you left, but before they knew it, you were gone.
And, speaking from experience, a person can't have too many blogs. Looking forward to adding another one of yours to my blogroll...

Anonymous said...

Boy what a photogenic little man you've got there!!

Glad you guys made it. Are you closer to us now?