Monday, June 26, 2006

Computers are great, until...

Until they experience catastrophic failures for no reason whatsoever! Grrr. My Saturday was spent busily trying to make sure my backups were safe in the, oh, about one hour of computer time I had before it blew up again. I've just turned it on today for the first time since the weekend, so you never know if I'm even going to get through this post. However, like the postal service, I always deliver. Plus, I have to get rid of this massive picture backlog I have. I was going to make today the "Classic Mark" post, but in the interest of actually getting it done, I think I'll just post some pictures, and skip the commentary entirely for today.

By the way, can I just put in a public service announcement here: BACK UP YOUR COMPUTER! This weekend I faced the horrible possibility that my hard drive would crash with all 1300-odd pictures on it. Back up your stuff, kids.

Enjoy the photos, and I'll see you again soon.


Anonymous said...

I think you'll appreciate this.
It's very appropiate for the last post.

Tanya said...

That site is awesome!!! Hours of entertainment!... okay... back to work. ;)