Tuesday, June 20, 2006

One of Many?

Hi again. I came up with an amazing plan yesterday that I tried to put into motion. However, halfway through my post, my computer decided now would be a good time to just shut down and lose the entire thing. Thanks, PC. Speaking of that, have you seen these commercials? I'm sure you have, but hey, they're funny stuff.

What I was trying to say yesterday is that I just downloaded 151 photos off the digital camera, and you know, it would just be a crying shame if I had to only show 10 of them. So here they are, all 151 photos! Just kidding. But I do have a plan (*theme music goes here*).

Here's the plan--I'm going to do several posts over the course of this week (hopefully) so that you can get more pictures. And hey, that's what everyone really wants, am I right? You'll have to go with a cut-down version of the witty running commentary, however, because I don't have the necessary time to write the commentary and upload the pictures for all four posts I have planned. Don't worry, one of them will be what I'm going to call a "Classic Mark" post (full director's commentary included), but the rest will have mostly pictures. Each of these sets of photos is from a different "photo shoot" that we did with Theo over the past couple of weeks. We're not professional photographers, but there are some pretty good shots.

So without further ado, here is the first set of photos--I call them "the Blanket sessions." Enjoy!

I call this "the five moods of Theo." Ready? Here's happy Theo...

Pensive Theo...

Contemplative Theo...

Overjoyed Theo...

Coy Theo...

One of his favourite activities is giving kisses to daddy and mommy...

And of course, chewing the fist is always a crowd-pleaser...

See you next time.

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