Sunday, March 11, 2007

The Best of (the rest of) February

Just call me Mr. Efficient. After a month of no new entries, this is the second one today (check out the one right below this one if you haven't already seen it). That post took care of the January backlog, and now it's time for the rest of February.

You'll likely recall two postings ago that there were birthday party and aquarium pictures. That was most of February's photos. The rest of the month wasn't nearly as eventful as the first week, but we managed a few good shots. Actually, the reason we don't have many good shots is because we didn't have any batteries. "Hey, why didn't you just go an buy batteries?" you may ask. Good question; thanks for asking it. Here's the thing: we just plumb forgot. That's the way it goes sometimes. Fortunately, we managed to borrow some from relatives in Edmonton, and now we're back with the rechargables again for March (and we've already taken quite a few, which will be the subject of the next posting).

Anyway. Without further ado, here's the best of the rest of February...

It got a little bit cold here in February...

This is a good example of what we call, "The Theo Look." I'm considering applying for a patent...

If there's one thing about Theo, he works hard for his money. For example, every morning, he heads off to his office to check his email and get some work done...

Yes, that is a real laptop; yes, it actually functions; no, it's not good for anything else. It's an older laptop we inherited from my uncle, and it's pretty much corrupted (it's a Dell running Windows ME--need I say more?). But Theo just loves it. In fact, you can't see it in the picture, but he's actually using the mouse, too. Funny stuff. And if you try to get in there and see what he's doing, he'll often run over and close the door. Makes me a little suspicious, but I haven't found any blueprints for national landmarks yet, so I think we're good.

Moving on. Here's another look I have a feeling I'm going to be seeing a lot of in the toddler years: "Who, me?"

"Yeah, okay, I admit it. But I'm so cute..."

Total French Pea look...

February also saw us take a trip up highway 2 to Edmonton to see my cousin Nathan, and his wife Heidi, along with their new little boy, Gideon. Theo, of course, loved him, and I think (or I hope) the feeling was mutual. Here's some evidence of their meeting (as you can see, they both got the "blue sleeper" memo)...

"Whoa! What on earth is this thing?!"

"Don't worry, baby, I'll set you free..."

"Uh, guys, he doesn't really do anything..."

"Oh well, I'll ham it up..."

Here's a fantastic picture of Theo and daddy, taken by my Uncle Bob...

Finally, a few shots from a particularly good photo day. Except for the fact that there was something making a spot on the camera. If I had Photoshop (or knew how to use it, for that matter), I might fix it. But whatever, you get the idea...

Yes, he's definitely getting older and more mature. It all happened so fast, too. There, I said it. But hey, he's still the cutest baby in the world. And there's more of that to come next time in the March posting. See you then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah! You're back! What a wonderful surprise. Here I am sitting at my desk at work on a very soggy Sunday afternoon and thinking to myself "I'm going check the Theo blog to see some of the old pics of the little guy which never fail to brighten my day" and Voila! there are not 1, but 2, new postings. What a joyful thing. Hugs and kisses to all three of you.

Mom aka Nana aka Alice