Sunday, March 11, 2007

The Rest of January

Me again. Did you miss me? I'm sure you did, or at least that's what I'll tell myself. Alas, over a month has gone by, and nary a posting to Theo's blog. Why, you ask? Um, I don't really have a good answer, to be honest. But I'm going to make up for that lack today, by kicking it back to January.

Since these photos are older, I'm going to be sparse with the commentary, and just post the photos. They deserve their time in the sun, too. Here we go...

You may remember that for most of January, I was here in Three Hills while Steph and Theo were back at home in Langley. One of the reasons for the separation was to avoid the bad weather here and be somewhere temperate and mild. And then it snowed. In Langley. But you know, when life hands you snow, make snowcones. Or, just take your baby out in it and take some photos...

Here's one of the boy in the stroller, enjoying his walk...

Mommy even managed to take a photo of both of them...

Eventually, you have to go back inside. This, I'm told, is the only way to eat pasta...

Then there's this one. Not sure what happened, but it's a pretty avant garde piece of photography, don't you think?

Next, it's back out into the snow for a little playtime.

"Hey, this looks like it could be fun..."

"What the heck is this stuff?"

Contemplating the deeper meaning of all this...

I also had to throw in a cute outfit picture...

Finally, for those of you who were at Theo's party and got the party favour, you'll recognize the motif for this last set of photos. Now, many of you had implied that perhaps we had used a bit of sleight-of-hand on the photo and retouched it in Photoshop, but that isn't the case. Here's the proof.

You see, we have these foam letters that Theo plays with in the bath, and they stick to the sides of the tub. And to Theo...


Of course, patience sometimes wears thin in the midst of long photo sessions...

...but then, the stars align, and for one serendipetous moment, time stands still...

...and then it happens again...

What a total ham.

Okay, thanks for coming by. I'm still trying to get my archives up here, so check back again real soon for a look at the best of February.

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