Monday, September 18, 2006

Quickly Running Out of Titles

Hi again, friends. Nice to have you back for another action-packed Theo posting. If you want to know what the weather's like here in Three Hills, well, go check out my other blog. All other Carroll family-related updates are there (which should help bring down the size of these posts--famous last words).

It's been another fun week. Well, okay, it wasn't all fun and games. About the middle of last week, we started having major behavioural issues with Theo; issues like we'd never seen before. He just wasn't himself. We chalked it up to the move and him generally pushing the boundaries a little bit more as all babies do. It was pretty frustrating having to hear his temper-tantrums every night. Oh wait, it was during the days, too. So basically, all the time.

Anyway, as you can probably tell by the way I'm writing this, it wasn't really behavioural at all. Close to the end of the week, we noticed how red his cheeks were getting. We had previously thought they were just getting rosy (and, quite frankly, welcomed the colour--he's still pretty fair). But apparently, little did we know that rosy cheeks are quite often the sign of a food reaction. Sure enough, the "rash" eventually spread across his nose and up onto his forehead. Fortunately, we started to figure out that something was wrong. Since then, we've drastically cut his food variety, trying to figure out what was causing it. The culprits have been narrowed down to wheat, apples, and, sadly for all, bananas! Since we've cut them out, however, we've got our old Theo back--happy as a clam. It's nice.

By way of further update, I still have not heard him say "banana", or any other word, for that matter. However, his babbling has reached epic new heights this week. Quite often first thing in the morning, he'll just be sitting in his crib chatting away to no one in particular. He likes the "B" sounds the most, but he's also ventured into "G" and "M", with a smattering of "D" thrown in for good measure. It's quite amusing to listen to--he really is trying to say something, and gets quite upset when he's talking to you and you turn away. Oh boy, are we ever in for it.

So that's what's been going on. Let's get to some pictures. Last Monday we took Theo to the swimming pool for the first time! The Three Hills Aquatic Centre is quite nice, with a shallow area for the kiddies and a diving board and waterslide for the big kids. Here's Theo and dad outside the pool...

And here we are getting wet...

It was really funny going because Theo was just so amazed at his surroundings that he spent the whole time in shell-shocked stupor. Even when he got just a little bit too cold in the pool he didn't make a noise. Luckily his parents could pick up on the fact that his teeth were chattering uncontrollably (note to self: if having behavioural problems, go to pool). Good times were had by all, as you can see by his placid expression after we left (framed beautifully by the water tower)...

Here are a few from a little photo shoot last week. He's just chillin' on the floor...

Shortly after this photo shoot, however, he noticed a little coffee table-like cabinet on wheels that's in our living room. It has a glass door that he could see his reflection in. Of course, never having seen such a good-looking baby in his life, he had to see what this one was all about...

Hey there, good looking...


What an infant narcissist. Oh well, he's cute enough to be in love with himself, at least in my opinion.

That's it for now. I have some more photos to post, but that'll have to wait until another day, I'm afraid. For now, thanks, as always, for coming by. Leave a comment if you're so inclined--it doesn't have to be anything stunning or witty, but it's nice to see and read them. See you next time.


Tanya said...

Man, I am always cracking up every time I read your posts. Everyone at the office thinks I'm crazy. They also all think Theo is the cutest baby EVER!

Great post and pics, as usual. I havn't checked the other blog yet, but I hope you have some pictures up of your actual house so that we can all see what you'll be living in for the next 8 months.

Oh, and as a side note - Steph, I gave Barry Kwok (your wedding photographer) the web address to this blog. I had emailed him last week about doing wedding photos and he remembered me right away - he thought we were sisters... just like everyone else did. Anyways, he sends his blessings to the family.


Anonymous said...

Oh, these photos are just soo cute. And, yes, Mark,your writing style is still the best all over. (Hey, Tanya, your look georgious, as always...) If I knew how to post of photo of myself so Theo will know who is writing all this stuff, I would. But, then again, little Theo couldn' care less at the moment. Keep it up!
Auntie Bard

Tanya said...


You have to actually create a blog for yourself on and then your photo comes up when you leave messages for other people. If you click on my picture you will see that you are taken to my Travel Blog (which is quite behind, I must admit).
