Friday, April 28, 2006

Oh shoot, sorry...

Yikes, they go by fast. The weeks, I mean. I find myself at yet another Friday, attempting to do my blog posting, but finding that I'm completely out of gas. So you'll all have to accept my sincerest apologies and wait another day or two for a new posting with pictures. Sorry.

But man, do I ever have some good pictures this week! Holy moly. I know I've said we've had cute ones before, but these ones just absolutely take the cake. I'm not kidding. Seriously. You'll just have to come back and look at them.

On a personal note (and why not take this time to talk about me for once?), things have been crazy this week. Like, insane crazy. However, it's all been good. Things are looking good for me in the job front, as I've been working towards an internship opportunity. It hasn't gone through yet, but I'll let you all know when it does (and more about what it is). For now, please keep praying for us, as this job is really an excellent opportunity that I'm really looking forward to. Also, I passed my Class 6 driver's test on Thursday, which means I am now fully certified to ride a motorcycle. Sweet. If anyone wants to go for a ride, you know where to find me--I'm always available (ha ha). Plus I polished off another final exam this week, which means one more course is about to bite the dust. All told, it's looking pretty good.

Okay, off I go. By the way, if you want someone to blame for the lameness of the post today, please place that blame on my sister Laura's head. She just had to graduate from university this weekend. Congratulations, Laura. We're really proud of you (and I can't belive you beat me--I'll get you yet). The health care system is lucky to have a nurse like you.

More soon, I promise, including photos. See you then.

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