Sunday, April 30, 2006

It was almost worth the wait...

Hey there, everyone. Glad to see me? Aw, I'm glad to see you all too. Thanks for hanging in there with me for a slightly delayed post this week. It's not for lack of trying. I meant to get 'er posted yesterday, but Blogger wasn't allowing me to upload the photos, so it was pretty much a no-go. Hopefully today will see more luck come our way.

**LATER: No, there is no better luck today than there was yesterday. D'oh! I only got four photos loaded before it stopped working again, and I just can't devote my entire afternoon to sitting here waiting for Blogger to work. So I'm going to keep what I've written so far and the few photos I have up, and try for another posting later on in the day. Sorry.**

To start off this week, let's do something different, shall we? I said in my last post that it was my sister's grad this weekend. Apparently if you're a nurse you get two grad ceremonies. One of them is the usual cap-and-gown affair, and the other is your "pinning." I learned from going to this event that the tradition of the nurse's pin has a long and distinguished history (anyone want to insert a Top Gun quote there? Just checking) going all the way back to the Crusades. And really, any tradition that draws from the Crusades must be good. Anyway, nurses get a school pin to indicate where they graduated from. I take it that it's a little bit like a high school ring, but way cooler, and I'm sure there's much pin envy happening in hospitals everywhere. Okay, I'm rambling. Here's the photographic evidence that we were there. First off, a nice family shot.

Four generations represented in that photo, folks. Here's one of Steph, Theo, and me with Laura (Laura's the one in the cap and gown).

And finally, a nice picture of my mom and my sister that I'm putting on here not because of its relevance to today's discussion, but more so because I think they both look great. Oh yeah, and because my mom got to pin my sister because she's a nurse too. Maw. So cute. There wasn't a dry eye in the house.

But you can tell what Theo thought of this whole affair:

So let's get back to the topic at hand, shall we? How is Theo? Well, in a word, better. In more than a word, getting better all the time (a little Sgt. Pepper there for all you Beatles fans). His colic seems to have subsided, for which we are extraordinarily grateful. His personality is coming out; he's playing more, gets bored very easily, and has located his tongue for the first time. He's also getting the hang of sucking his thumb, but he's still not quite there yet. We're getting good smiles out of him pretty much daily, and he's started to try to laugh and babble a little bit. Oh, and he followed something with his eyes for the first time too.

With all those milestones, is it any wonder why I couldn't post on time? And with circumstances conspiring against us, I still can't get anything going! So I have to stop here--this is as many photos as I got up before the aforementioned technical difficulties kicked in. Check back again tomorrow to see if I've had any luck. Thanks all; see you soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We're waiting for this week's edition! You wouldn't want to make me angry now would you???