Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy Friday!

Good morning everyone, and happy St. Patrick's Day to you all.

I have to say it's been a rough couple of days over here. The ugly colic monster has raised his head and asserted his presence in an unmistakable way. I know that some of you reading have been through this before and know what I'm talking about. For those of you who haven't, well, let me just say that you're lucky. Mind you, if there's one thing a colicky baby is good for, it's birth control. Too much info? Sorry (especially to our parents).

Hey, speaking of that (nice segue, eh?), does anyone know anything about tropical fish? I just looked over at my tank, and I think my fish are trying to mate. Uh...okay...this is possibly the strangest thing I've ever seen. It's like a nature channel documentary. I was going to say that it's the most disturbing thing I've ever seen, but then I realized that I've been watching the Canucks play recently, so it definitely doesn't compare to that.

Moving on. In case you were wondering if there's a point to my senseless rambling, there is: pictures!

Remember my post from earlier in the week where I said that we put Theo in his first real outfit this past week? How could you forget that post? Full of witty dialogue (okay, monologue), plot twists, and the like. Yup, that was a classic. Anyway, here's what that outfit looked like. Two pictures, then a description.

As you can see, Theo is wearing this year's hottest trend in infant clothing--the knitted overall over a simple while T-shirt. And don't forget the blue socks. And now, for extra cuteness, a close-up:

I love the looks he gives us. This one is the "I'm only barely tolerating this" look. Ah yes, the joy of being a parent and embarrassing your child. More to come, my dear Theo, more to come.

So thanks, everyone, for stopping by. If you haven't yet signed the guest book (under the posting called "An Informal Poll" from a couple days ago), please do. It'll be cool for me to show Theo this stuff when he's old enough to understand it, so get in while the getting's good. See you all after the weekend.


Anonymous said...

Anything you could ever want to know about fish (and probalby more than you want to know) just ask my sister. She is officially labeled the fish lady around these parts. Anywho love the cute little outfit. I am almost 100% now so expect a phone call to come soon.
Love ya

Anonymous said...

Man, Theo's getting big... do you think you could do me a huge favour and ask him to stop growing... just for 10 days until I get home??? I feel like I'm missing out on so much!!

Love you guys!


Anonymous said...

Yes, the colic thing is a big drag. The doctors will say "Oh he'll grow out of it" (Yah like in six months)Easy for him to say as he/she lives far away from the child. If they don't do more than say "tch, tch" and shake their head..Say "how's about I phone you up when he's fussy and you can listen to him cry and whine while I nap!" Gripe water (without alcohol) works good.? Maybe there are some herbal things out now too?

Anonymous said...

I must say Mark... you've been slacking in the blog writing department. I used to go to an internet cafe every couple of days and find about 10 posts to read,... but these days... just spent my $7 for half an hour of internet and have NO updates to read! How am I supposed to get my Theo fix??? I'm going to go through withdrawals soon... help me out here.

Okay, I'm kidding. I know you guys are busy actually living your lives with your new baby.

Off to the beach... Fiji is amazing.

Miss you
