Monday, March 13, 2006

The Furry Family Member

I've lived with this lingering sense of guilt ever since Theo's come home because I haven't really credited our furry family member at all on this blog. But let me tell you a funny story about our cat, Pekoe.

Our cat is unlike any other cat you know. She's not aloof like a typical cat, nor is she stupid like a typical cat. No, this cat is one smart cookie--she's actually more like a dog at times than a cat. For example, we have this game we play where she will chase a ball up and down the stairs; she's even brought it to me in her teeth once. See what I mean?

Anyway, when we first brought Theo home, we were a little bit concerned about Pekoe's reaction. After all, we had tried to get her a feline companion not so long ago, but that experiment ended very badly, and that cat went bye-bye. We were on edge: would Pekoe reject this new creature like she had rejected the other cat? Ooh, the tension is killing me!

Turns out that although she was a little bit upset at first about Theo, she's actually adapted to him quite well. In fact, she's become quite maternal. One day last week, I was upstairs doing my homework and Steph was "unavailable" (*ahem*). Theo was in his little chair, but got quite upset and started crying. Before we knew it, there was Pekoe to the rescue. She started to meow quite loudly to draw our attention to the fact that Theo was crying, and kept pacing back and forth between his chair and the bathroom door until Steph came out and got him, after which she was fine again. Whenever he starts crying, there she is, very concerned about what's going on. What a good big sister!

But Pekoe's also an attention hog, especially for sitting on my lap. When she realized that Theo was taking a lot of her valuable lap time, she decided to come up with a solution:

That's why we love her, though. After all, who could resist a face like this?

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