Friday, May 26, 2006

Slight Change Of Plans

Okay, that's it, I give up. No, not the blog, the idea of posting on Fridays. It's suddenly occurred to me that since (a) I haven't had a post happen on Friday in about three weeks and (b) the most convenient day for me seems to be Sunday and (c) the Friday posting rule is self-imposed and has no bearing in reality that consequently it would be a good idea to change the regular posting day to Sunday. So there. Ah, the power of being the proprietor. Mua, ha, ha!

That's all I have for today. It's late. Okay, it's not late by any standard except the parent-of-infant standard. But I'm about spent for the evening, so I'm going to feed my fish and go to sleep. Look for more here on Sunday. See you then.


Mark said...

Who is this? What brought you here? I'm so confused!

Jane said...

It's Sunday.
I'm waiting.