Well, here we all are again. How time flies when you've having fun. And yes, we are having fun, thanks for asking. You know, cute babies are really photo magnets. In fact, it's like the camera doesn't even need to have its shutter pressed anymore, it almost does it by itself. I've just taken all the photos off the digital camera for the last week or two and realized that there are 74 photos! Granted, we're still catching up from a week or two of slacking, but still, wow. So the debate really is which of these photos to share with you all. Maybe, if you're lucky (read: if I'm not too lazy) you'll get a second post this week. Ooh, the excitement is overwhelming!
Anyway, not much to give by way of update. Things are carrying on at an alarmingly normal pace, I'd have to say. Well, "normal" now is way different than what we used to consider it to be, but we're getting used to it. It's the lack of sleep that's really still doing us in. But hey, that's part of the package, I hear, so no big deal.
One new-ish thing has happened this week, though: the desire to roll over. He's a pretty determined little guy, so I'm sure he'll get it yet. He gets about half way onto his tummy, and then realizes that his arm is underneath him and he can't quite get over the hump. It's pretty entertaining to watch. Not that we sit and watch Theo do things simply for our amusement. Much.
Oh, and one more thing. We're now into the put-everything-in-the-mouth phase, which I hear can last for quite some time. It must be interesting to have your only point of sensory information-getting be your tongue. Fortunately he's not coordinated enough yet to pick things up off the floor and stick them in there, but that's coming sooner than I think. Fun times.
On the personal front, and this is so exciting for us, we bought a new rocking chair this week. Yes, I know, how can we handle such excitement? But seriously, anyone who's ever had to feed a baby knows how horrible your back gets after a little while. Theo being on the bottle has given both Steph and I the chance to completely destroy our backs, so it's been fun. Anyway, this new rocker is unbelievable. Mmm, comfort....
Okay, so how about some of those 74 pictures? No problem.
"Mommy, taking photos is fun!"
Okay, moving on. Not sure what distracted him here, but it makes for a pretty cool picture.
"I'm coming to get you!"
1 comment:
In Reader's Digest this month Ray Romano says "Everyone should have kids, but you need to know that they are terrorists. They deprive you of sleep in order to break you"
Anyways, welcome to the fun phase of the baby's life.
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