As I said above, sorry for my absence. The grind of finishing off the semester, and the stress of moving back, meant that the vim and vigour with which I usually attack this blog has waned considerably. Actually, saying that it's because of the end of the school year and such is really just making excuses.
When I first started this blog, it was intended to keep everyone up-to-date on the daily developments of our newborn when he was in the hospital (which seems so long ago). Over the year-and-a-bit in between, it turned into a more frequent forum, and took on the characteristics of an online scrapbook. Over the time, you've seen the best and the worst of me and my feelings about being a dad, and I hope that they were real for you. I certainly never intended to keep it up this long.
Now, we're settled back here in Langley after our sojourn to Three Hills, Theo is getting to the toddler stage, and we're taking fewer and fewer pictures of him. It's not that he's not cute--quite the opposite--it's just that we have so many pictures, and after a while, they all look the same.
That brings me to the point--it's been a good run, but this is going to be the last posting on Theo's blog. I've thought about calling it off sooner, but every time I do, there seems to be just one more posting waiting in the wings. And then I never get around to doing it, and the blog goes for two months without any updates. Although I could keep doing that forever, I'm done.
That doesn't mean I'm going to delete the blog--far from it. I hope that you'll continue to come by every once-in-a-while and check things out, even if it is to watch a movie you've already seen before. When the site meter tells me nobody's coming back, that's when it's coming down. But that's a ways off yet.
What will you do? Fortunately for you, I keep another blog, this one so far unnamed (it used to be known as "Three Hills (Mis)Adventures," but since we're not there anymore, well, I had to change that, didn't I?). I post there every weekday, and I'm going to start making Theo photos a bigger part of its weekly operation. So check it out.
Turns out that I left myself a pretty difficult segue, so a little visual break is probably helpful. Let's get on with the photos, shall we? Most of these were taken back in Three Hills (as the title of this post implies, I'm getting rid of a lot of backlog), and none are from May, which shows how the picture-taking enterprise has slowed over the past while. Anyway, let's hit it, shall we?
One of the best parts about this stage of parenting is starting to see your kid's personality come to the surface. If you know either of his parents well, you've probably guessed that Theo's going to be a bit of a ham. You're right.
Here's some evidence of his ham-ness. It's everyone's favourite game, shut-the-closet-door-with-you-inside (note: video works, despite YouTube graphic)...
"Hello, anybody home?"
What's that you say? More videos?! Sure! I have several more to show you. In this first one, Theo shows off one of his new talents, playing soccer...
Here's a slice-of-life type of video, cleverly narrated, of course. The main point was to show that it was April 1, and it was snowing, but there's also a look into Three Hills life...
You'll be happy to know that one of the skills Theo picked up from me while we were away was the important snow shoveling skill...
This video falls into the "It shouldn't be funny but it is" category. We were trying to video what he had been doing before, but he changed his tactics, leading to a bit of a bad end...
Okay, "Editor's Choice" time. Two photos and a video in particular stood out from the crowd. Here's one that gives you an idea of what kind of dedication it took to venture out-of-doors in the weather we faced in Alberta...
So that's it, for real. Thanks, everyone, for making this blog a part of your life for the past little while. I hope you've enjoyed watching the agony and ecstasy of being a parent, even if you've been one for some time. I sure have enjoyed keeping this blog, and I hope that one day Theo will appreciate it, too. See you all at the other blog.